The Deal


Finding the seam between currents, and threading your fly just there, is the difference between playing with Pisces and enjoying the view. As hard hunting and fishing fathers, we’re stalking a similar sweet-spot – the balance between passionate pursuits and happy home-lives. Sometimes we nail it, sometimes we miss. Weeks go by when we’re not even sure it exists. But we’re getting after it all the same. There’re fish in the rivers, birds in the brush and elk in the hills… and hell if we’re going to stand and watch the scenery go by.

Matthew Copeland

Matthew Copeland

A proud native of Charlottesville Virginia, Matt served a six year corporate sentence in Major Metro USA before finding his way home to Wyoming. He met, married and made a son with his wife in this open country and it’s got its claws into him. Most of his career has been spent in outdoor education and wildlife conservation. Now, when not hunting, fishing or playing in the mountains, he’s writing about it for assorted national magazines.


Steven Brutger

With a tendency to dive in with gusto, Steven puts the same energy into raising his two kids as he does into fishing, training gun dogs, or chasing elk (although he recognizes children are ultimately a bigger commitment).  Raised on a family owned guest ranch in Montana, Steven is a Westerner who has been criticized for having terrible East coast geography. He calls Bozeman, Montana home.

26 Comments on “The Deal

  1. Pingback: Hey “USOB” | Stalking The Seam

  2. Pingback: Llama Packing | Stalking The Seam

  3. Pingback: Smooth as Glass | Stalking The Seam

  4. Pingback: Thanksgiving | Stalking The Seam

  5. Fellas,

    I have been following your blog for some time now and enjoy the way you both pursue the outdoors. The challenge, solitude, and the experiences and rewards you describe are right in line with an organization I help lead, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers. I would enjoy a conversation about working together to promote and protect this cherished way of life. Matt, I’m pretty sure we have met before and if not, your reputation proceeds you. Steven, your latest entry on the elk hunt was sweet. I look forward to chatting.

    Onward and Upward,

    Land Tawney
    Executive Director
    Backcountry Hunters & Anglers

  6. Dear Steven and Matthew,

    Even though I haven’t fished in 15 years and never really ever hunted, I’ve spent a lot wandering around, literally and figuretively, in many of the place you two have been writing about. I really enjoy your observations and perspectives, keep up the good good work!

    Dave Anderson

    • Dave, thanks so much! Coming from you that means a lot. I have always found your images, adventures and storytelling inspirational. I hope all is well and certainly feel free to give a holler the next time you make it to our neck of the woods.

    • Great to here from you Dave. It’s been too long. I remember my first Dave Anderson slide show and adventure story telling session. It was in Salt Lake City, probably at OR, something in the neighborhood of a decade ago. I walked away thinking “that guy’s got it”. Keep up the good work.

      BTW, I still repeat your Red Rocks, all male semester, first aid kit emergency story everytime I get even half a segue. I hope your holiday was a grand one, wherever in the world it found you.

  7. i dig what you guys are doing. love seeing the kids along for the ride. keep up the good work.

  8. Just stumbled upon your site. Well done, guys! I’m subscribed and looking forward to following along.

  9. Love the blog. I look forward to it everytime I open my email. I often see things the way you guys do, and really appreicate the perspective. Thanks for representing the outdoor community well. Keep it up.

    TIght lines.


  10. You guys are doing big thing. Somehow just found you but glad I did. Cheers.

    • CB, so glad you like what we are doing! I’ve been checking out Revive, The Fly Fishing Journal, but had not connected it to your other work. Great to link it all together, you are doing great things. Stay in touch and let us know if there is anything we can do to help you out.

  11. Hey CB. Thanks so much for the kind words. They’re always appreciated, particularly from a fellow traveler. Keep kicking butt over at Revive!

  12. Pingback: Silver Linings | Stalking The Seam

  13. Pingback: Golden Opportunity | Stalking The Seam

  14. Guys – started following you on IG and then found the website and newsletter. Hats off to a wonderfully creative, engaging and enjoyable outlet. The short stories are subtle interruptions to a workday.
    Please let me know if you come up our way. It would be great to make an introduction.

    • Dan,

      Thanks for the kind words and for taking time to check out our humble work. I’m actually a Bozeman native and make it up your way often. Shoot me a note, it would be great to connect.

  15. As a father of four, wildlife artist and outdoorsman, I am very excited about your site. I am blessed to include at least one or two of my kids on most excursions to chase critters. Bringing them with is challenging to say the least but the rewards of experiencing wildlife and nature through their fresh eyes is always worth it. You have great vision and insight. Thank you for providing an inspirational break from the rigors of the daily artistic chase. I look forward to witnessing your journey, even if just from the cheap seats.

    • Thanks so much for making time for us Ryan. Father of four, artist and outdoorsman… that adds up to not a lot of time left over. We appreciate that you spend some of of those rare moments checking in on STS.

  16. Even Though I’m on the opposite side of the country (SC), and have never been past the mississippi river (one day….), I really appreciate the honestly and grit in everything ya’ll write. Your content is a real inspiration to me, and I look forward to every new entry.

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