“Sometimes I just want to sit in the front of the boat and not fish.” The message was clear. I nodded quietly and took in the scenery, curtailing my glances toward juicy water. With 50 some miles and five days of prime fishable water, I suppose it was even a reasonable request. However, it brought to, Read More

Quarterly I receive a shipment of beer from my father-in-law. This has been going on for nearly ten years. It started with a house warming present meant for his daughter. A care package that, along with some other goodies, included a couple bottles of beer. I drank the beer and sent a thank you, Read More

The rise was visible down the bank, just into the shade under a russian olive. My two year old was hanging onto my leg and my wife was on the sticks. Our daughter was crouched on the cooler next to me. It was the first time our entire family had been in a drift, Read More

He wants to catch a fish. That’s great, right? Well, let’s set aside for a moment all the warm fuzzies – connecting a boy with nature, passing on our proud American sporting heritage, igniting the light of wonder in a child’s eyes, forging resilient father son bonds through blah, blah, blah etc. – and, Read More