Friday Classic: Falling Apart

Snagged on the second cast I break off my rig.
A tailing loop catches my indicator, creating a rats nest I can’t undo.
I clear ice from the guides for the tenth time.
Coils in my running line catch on a rock.
The trend continues all afternoon.
On occasion I have a day where my skills fail me and it all goes wrong. Maybe it’s the freezing temps, a lack of focus, or some sort of karma.
Needing to clear the guides for the 40th time I snap the tip off my rod.
I declare the day over.
The solace of a lifetime warranty and a friend who packed a little whiskey helped me end the day on a positive note.
What you describe above is 95% of my fishing and the other 5% is not silky, but maybe canvas smooth. Yours is one of the best sites on the whole wide world-wide web, thanks for the amazing pictures and words.
Ben, I’m sure you are selling yourself short! Your kind words are much appreciated, thanks for taking the time to enjoy our work!