It Was Easier Going In

Frozen ground made for easy driving. We knew temps would rise and conditions would change, but thoughts of mud, chains and spending the night were shoved to the back of our minds. Instead we hunted.
Side hilling steep faces, post holing through snow on north facing slopes. following the noses of our dogs. As the sun climbed in the sky we took advantage of the day. The birds gave us a run for our money, but we managed to eke out our fair share. Slogging back to the truck we began to contemplate the drive out. In short, it was easier going in.
A great day, start to finish. I reminisce a little every time I get in my filthy, filthy truck.
You’re never really stuck as long as there’s a chance you can get out.
“Hey come on out here, and bring your truck.”
You know, that’s been true of many of the decisions that I’ve made during my lifetime. They were definitely easier going in. Sigh
Happy to toss up the soft ball any time! Hope all is well.