Home Stretch

She is dog-ugly, but I’ve dreamed of getting into her bed for months now.
Who am I to judge if she lies right next to the highway, downstream of town and in the middle of an oilfield? So her banks are intermittently lined with junk cars and half-submerged industrial debris… let he who hath not earned a few choice scars cast the first stone. Magazine cover good looks have their place – I’ve loved the drop-dead gorgeous tailwaters that kept me company all winter (just look at the size of those fish!) – but can you drop-in on that model fishing “destination” with a couple of buddies anytime you like, leave satisfied and be home in time for dinner? Probably not.
The long cold winter and a thick veil of ice have kept us apart, but now that the ice is finally gone, you’ll find me with the river next door.
And after a few months beauty rest… well she does have some awfully nice features.