Fair Warning
The air is getting cooler. A few trees are starting to turn. Many folks are thinking about fall fishing. Aggressive browns, big streamers, you name it. We love to fish, we’ll probably still fish this fall. But something else is underfoot.
It’s hunting season. Some folks are already going full tilt. Archery seasons have been open for a few weeks in many places. Dove and grouse are open. On the 6th one of my buddies told me he had to take the weekend off because his dogs pads were already shot. I told him he better pace himself. We’re just getting started!
The meat of my big game season is in October, birds after that. This month my wife will be on the road for ten days. I’ll still get out with the dogs a bit, looking for grouse, and I’ll try to fill a doe antelope tag. That seems like a reasonable goal for the kids and me. As a parting shot, be warned. If you like seeing photos of fish hang in there, they might be coming a bit less frequently over the next few months.