Your Most Important Hunting or Fishing Decision

Huge fish, big bulls, grip and grins, hero shots, we all love them. But the quality of our experience rarely has much to do with the quarry. Here’s what a trophy looks like (How I lucked out and landed the one above I’ll never know):
Good friends…outshine a 180 inch Muley any day.
Kids…about the size of a nice Chinook, but with a way better smile.
Dad…I’ll always choose a day in the hills with this bruiser over a 5 pound brown.
As you plan your next hunting or fishing trip, put some thought into who you invite to go with you. It might be the most important decision you make.
Great post! My wife went out hunting with me for the first time a few weeks ago. It was awesome to have her along and certainly made us not getting or seeing any deer fine by me. Time in the woods with my best friend
Great to hear!
Hi Steven! You may remember, I babysat you through some of your baby and toddler years. Your parents turned me onto your blog, which I’m loving. It’s great to see you all grown up. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your incredible photography and following your story. I loved seeing the pic of your dad (despite the bruiser), as we haven’t crossed paths in a few years.
I love the message you put out there! Keep it up.
Julie, so great to hear from you! Of course I remember you. I hope all is well with you, thanks for the kind words and for checking out STS.