Winning the Lottery

Mom is gone on a long work trip. The pizza boxes are beginning to stack up. The truck floor is littered with string cheese wrappers and doughnut crumbs. Fueled by enthusiasm, and sugar, the kids and I have been getting after it for over a week. We have had a ton of fun, but I’ll admit, it was a welcome sight when the grandparents rolled into town.

Photo by Steven Brutger

It’s a big deal when grandma and grandpa show up.

We have lucked out. Or as my wife likes to say “I won the in-law lottery”. Although my parents live seven hours away, they visit often and upon arrival they dive in with gusto. In the early days they never shied away from changing diapers and they have remained eager to tackle any task. The kids love them. They also provide me with a much appreciated break.

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